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Load a fixed set of data located in a file.


cy.fixture(filePath, encoding)
cy.fixture(filePath, options)
cy.fixture(filePath, encoding, options)


Correct Usage

cy.fixture('users').as('usersJson') // load data from users.json
cy.fixture('logo.png').then((logo) => {
// load data from logo.png


filePath (String)

A path to a file within the fixturesFolder , which defaults to cypress/fixtures.

You can nest fixtures within folders and reference them by defining the path from the fixturesFolder:

cy.fixture('users/admin.json') // Get data from {fixturesFolder}/users/admin.json

encoding (String)

The encoding to be used when reading the file. The following encodings are supported:

  • 'ascii'
  • 'base64'
  • 'binary'
  • 'hex'
  • 'latin1'
  • 'utf8'
  • 'utf-8'
  • 'ucs2'
  • 'ucs-2'
  • 'utf16le'
  • 'utf-16le'
  • null

Using null explicitly will return the fixture as a Cypress.Buffer instance, regardless of file extension.

options (Object)

Pass in an options object to change the default behavior of cy.fixture().

timeoutresponseTimeoutTime to wait for cy.fixture() to resolve before timing out


  • cy.fixture() yields the contents of the file. Formatting is determined by its file extension.
  • The yielded subject is not updated if the contents change on disk.



Load a users.json fixture


Omit the fixture file's extension

When no extension is passed to cy.fixture(), Cypress will search for files with the specified name within the fixturesFolder (which defaults to cypress/fixtures) and resolve the first one.


The example above would resolve in the following order:

  1. cypress/fixtures/admin.json
  2. cypress/fixtures/admin.js
  3. cypress/fixtures/
  4. cypress/fixtures/admin.html
  5. cypress/fixtures/admin.txt
  6. cypress/fixtures/admin.csv
  7. cypress/fixtures/admin.png
  8. cypress/fixtures/admin.jpg
  9. cypress/fixtures/admin.jpeg
  10. cypress/fixtures/admin.gif
  11. cypress/fixtures/admin.tif
  12. cypress/fixtures/admin.tiff
  13. cypress/fixtures/

Use import statement

If you are loading a JSON fixture, you can simply use the import statement and let the bundler load it:

// cypress/e2e/
import user from '../fixtures/user.json'
it('loads the same object', () => {
cy.fixture('user').then((userFixture) => {
expect(user, 'the same data').to.deep.equal(userFixture)


Image fixtures are sent as base64 by default

cy.fixture('images/logo.png').then((logo) => {
// logo will be encoded as base64
// and should look something like this:
// aIJKnwxydrB10NVWqhlmmC+ZiWs7otHotSAAAOw==...

Change encoding of Image fixture

cy.fixture('images/logo.png', null).then((logo) => {
// logo will be read as a buffer
// and should look something like this:
// Buffer([0, 0, ...])

Playing MP3 file

cy.fixture('audio/sound.mp3', 'base64').then((mp3) => {
const uri = 'data:audio/mp3;base64,' + mp3
const audio = new Audio(uri)

Accessing Fixture Data

Using .then() to access fixture data

cy.fixture('users').then((json) => {
cy.intercept('GET', '/users/**', json)

Using fixtures to bootstrap data

Modifying fixture data before using it

You can modify fixture data directly before visiting a URL or mounting a component that makes a network request to that URL.

cy.fixture('user').then((user) => {
user.firstName = 'Jane'
cy.intercept('GET', '/users/1', user).as('getUser')

cy.wait('@getUser').then(({ request }) => {



Using the fixture StaticResponse property

Fixtures can also be referenced directly without using the .fixture() command by using the special property fixture on the cy.intercept() StaticResponse object.

cy.intercept('GET', '/users/**', { fixture: 'users' })


Automated File Validation

Cypress automatically validates your fixtures. If your .json, .js, or .coffee files contain syntax errors, they will be shown in the Command Log.


Default Encoding

Cypress automatically determines the encoding for the following file types:

  • .json
  • .js
  • .coffee
  • .html
  • .txt
  • .csv
  • .png
  • .jpg
  • .jpeg
  • .gif
  • .tif
  • .tiff
  • .zip

For other types of files, they will be read as utf8 by default, unless specified in the second argument of cy.fixture(). You can specify null as the encoding in order to read the file as a Cypress.Buffer instance instead.

this context

If you store and access the fixture data using this test context object, make sure to use function () { ... } callbacks. Otherwise the test engine will NOT have this pointing at the test context.

describe('User page', () => {
beforeEach(function () {
// "this" points at the test context object
cy.fixture('user').then((user) => {
// "this" is still the test context object
this.user = user

// the test callback is in "function () { ... }" form
it('has user', function () {
// this.user exists

Loaded just once

Please keep in mind that fixture files are assumed to be unchanged during the test, and thus Cypress loads them just once. Even if you overwrite the fixture file itself, the already loaded fixture data remains the same.

If you wish to dynamically change the contents of a file during your tests, consider cy.readFile() instead.

For example, if you want to reply to a network request with different object, the following will not work:

cy.intercept('GET', '/todos/1', { fixture: 'todo' }).as('todo')
// application requests the /todos/1 resource
// the intercept replies with the object from todo.json file

cy.wait('@todo').then(() => {
cy.writeFile('/cypress/fixtures/todo.json', { title: 'New data' })
// application requests the /todos/1 resource again
// the intercept replies with the originally loaded object
// from the todo.json file and NOT { "title": "New data" }

In this situation, avoid using the fixture file and instead respond to the network request with the object

cy.fixture('todo.json').then((todo) => {
cy.intercept('GET', '/todos/1', { body: todo }).as('todo')
// application requests the /todos/1 resource
// the intercept replies with the initial object

cy.wait('@todo').then(() => {
// modify the response object
todo.title = 'New data'
// and override the intercept
cy.intercept('GET', '/todos/1', { body: todo })



  • cy.fixture() requires being chained off of cy.


  • cy.fixture() will only run assertions you have chained once, and will not retry.


  • cy.fixture() should never time out.

Because cy.fixture() is asynchronous it is technically possible for there to be a timeout while talking to the internal Cypress automation APIs. But for practical purposes it should never happen.

Command Log

  • cy.fixture() does not log in the Command Log

See also